
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryWhy use inquiry-based learning in math for liberal arts courses photchkiss04 years 1 month ago
QuoteI have truly improved ... immensely in this course. Being forced to take an independent approach on my problems in this course, I found a sense of confidence. I can rely on myself to find the answer now instead of coming to the problem feeling completely photchkiss06 years 4 months ago
QuoteI have become much more willing to start over and go back to look again. I do not think you realize how big that is. I never used to do that! Ever! If the answer was not there after I looked at the whole problem the first time, I would sit back and wait f photchkiss06 years 4 months ago
QuoteAfter watching the video [Proof] in class, I learned to never give up on a problem. Andrew Wiles worked on proving Fermat’s Last Theorem for about seven years and knew to not give up as he was getting closer to the solution over time. In class, I might photchkiss06 years 4 months ago
QuoteIn relation to the video that was shown in class called Proof, Andrew Wiles goes through a series of steps and learning experiences like groups in this class do, before coming to a conclusion on a proof. This involves perseverance, critical thinking, and photchkiss06 years 4 months ago
QuoteThrough the write-ups we have done in class, reading A Mathematicians Lament, watching films in and outside of class and discussing them with each other, I have learned that the key to mathematics is how you choose to look at the problem you are given … photchkiss06 years 4 months ago
QuoteA quote by Paul Lockhart that really stood out to me was “Math is not about a collection of “truths” (however useful or interesting they might be). Math is about reason and understanding. We want to know why. And not for any practical purpose.” (p photchkiss06 years 4 months ago
QuoteThere is no better ways to sum up the goal for this class in words other than Paul Lockhart in A Mathematician’s Lament. He states "Mathematics is the art of explanation. If you deny students the opportunity to engage in this activity — to pose their photchkiss06 years 4 months ago
QuoteI never really thought about “I don’t know yet” versus “I don’t know.” But, now that I think about it that is an excellent way to think about not only math but life. Mathematics is more than just doing it is working and being creative. “I do photchkiss06 years 4 months ago
QuoteI have more drive, confidence, and abilities to actually solve the problems. Math will never be my favorite subject, but now I know I can conquer it, and that big problems aren’t as scary as they look. Math before was a very dry subject with numbers and photchkiss06 years 4 months ago
Blog entryFirst Year Only Classes photchkiss06 years 5 months ago
Blog entryMovie “The Proof”: How our students view the process of mathematics photchkiss08 years 9 hours ago
Blog entryAudience: Learning about our MLA students photchkiss09 years 9 months ago
Blog entryAssessment: Projects photchkiss010 years 1 month ago
Textbook sectionKnights and Knaves photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
Textbook section$20^{\text{th}}$ Century Revolutions in Thought photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
Textbook sectionLimits of Knowledge photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
Textbook sectionProving Circles Can Kiss photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
Textbook sectionProof photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
Textbook sectionTypes of Reasoning photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
Textbook sectionEstablishing Truth — Certainty and Burdens of Proof photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
Textbook sectionExistence of $\sqrt{-1}$ photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
Textbook sectionDoubt photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
Textbook sectionCircles, Stars, Gears, and Unity photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
Textbook sectionPascal's Triangle photchkiss011 years 1 month ago
