Past News & Announcements

We are posting news, announcements, and status reports as our project progresses. Please feel free to contact us if there is information that you would like that you cannot find here or elsewhere on our site.

Marginalized Populations in Active Learning Classrooms (AMS Blog)

Posted on: 
Monday, August 7, 2017 - 1:50pm

In his August 2017 blog "To Active Learning and Beyond: Attending to Student Thinking AND Student Experience in Active-Learning Math Classes" over at the AMS, Jess Ellis Hagman from Colorado State University reports on teaching approaches that support students from marginalized populations in active learning mathematics classrooms.

Mindset and Brain Science

Posted on: 
Thursday, June 15, 2017 - 12:20pm

Dear Colleagues, Friends, & Supporters,

Many (most?) people believe that they are just not "math people," that they can never learn mathematics and that making mistakes is a really bad thing. Large segments of our society have internalized this view. They do currently not have agency or access to mathematics and its (implied) advantages. Given the role of mathematics as the gatekeeper for much of science, technology and engineering, this exacerbates inequality in our country.
