
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
QuoteThis class reminds me somewhat of my high school math classes. In high school I never understood what the teacher was talking about. So during class I would look at the lesson in the book and teach myself. I didn't mind doing this. That's when I liked mat vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteThe Math in this class is something I've never experienced in any other Math class. Most of my Math classes were always problems with numbers that a calculator could figure out. There were never problems that involved much thinking. vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteThis math class, much to my surprise is very different. My views and hopes are slowly changing about math. I now feel a little more confident in my abilities. vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteFor a guy who is reluctant to give math a chance I must admit that classes like Mathematical Explorations help broaden the minds of students like myself. vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteThe lack of tests and homework in this class is a refreshing change. I am used to studying page after page of formulas and tables in math class. But this class is different and I like it. When math is shoved down my throat I cannot learn. The "pressure th vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteIt was a nice break from the do-it-know-it-or-fail type math course in high school or any other arithmetic course. Granted, I have to know these skills and be able to do them without much difficulty. But it was good to be able to take a course that reall vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteYou've shown how someone can see beauty and passion in mathematics. Your passion for mathematics really is inspiring considering the fact that most of my past math teachers didn't really care. They didn't have that fire in their eyes that you have. You wa vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteI now appreciate my father's intellect for being an engineer. I used to think he was boring for knowing all this math, but I now see that his thought process goes well beyond just numbers. vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteWhen I first came to class in the beginning of the year you were always talking about how math was so beautiful. When I heard you say this I was like, what is this guy talking about? But as the year went on I started to think about the beauty of math more vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteWhen our class began doing work in Chapter 11 [Discovering the Art of Mathematics - The Infinite], I thought I was in hell. Your handout was much more difficult than the book [Mathematics: A Human Endeavor by Harold Jacobs]. At that point, although it wa vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteOne of the most surprising things about this class is that I actually like being here, which is weird because every other math class that I have ever had has sucked and been boring. vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteI do like the fact that this class isn't boring. I tend to want to understand the work because I can't get into something if I am not actually doing it. When professors teach math generally they show you how to do something on the board when half the clas vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteThis is who I was meant to beIt all started in the beginning with Mobius bands,When we began using everyday math with our hands.It instantly opened up my perspectives on how I view life,For the first time I felt a sense of sharpness, like a knife.I honest vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteIf ever in the future I meet a mathematician I won't say something corny like I can't balance my checkbook. vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteMath was never exactly my favorite class,The homework, tests, and exams seemed to always kick my ass.I understood the multiplying, dividing, adding and subtractingBut all the formulas have never been too attracting.Cram as much into your brain the night b vecke011 years 1 month ago
Quote...To be completely honest I wish my other classes challenged me as much as this course did. Although I did have certain courses challenge me at different times, this was the only course where I was being consistently challenged... I'm really thankful t vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteI remember coming home for the first time since moving in to college and my mom asked me how classes were going, and she asked about Math Explorations in particular. I remember I had such a hard time explaining it to her not only because the structure of vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteThis course is very different from any other math course that I've ever taken. It has a lot more character. vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteI truly believe that this class has helped me to grow as a person and not just a math student. When describing the class to my friends it was almost difficult to describe it as a math class because it was more of a learning class that we happened to do m vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteAll in all, this class was incredible. It was amazing how much I learned about myself and education. I will never see mathematics the same ever again because now I know what truly lies in the subject. It is beautiful. And more people should be exposed vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteOn the first day of Math Explorations... [our teacher] told his students that he was giving us a mathematical paintbrush, and that he wants us to paint. That he was giving us a mathematical tambourine; to make our own music. And this is exactly how clas vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteI would definitely recommend this class to anyone who needs a math requirement. It's fun and it's exciting, it's different and most importantly, it's not a boring lecture class. We do the work, we ask the questions and we learn. vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteThis math class was different from math classes I have taken in the past. We actually covered material that was "fun." Yes, I said it. Math is fun. vecke011 years 1 month ago
Quote"This course changed how I speak up and speak out about what I'm being taught. I have realized that this really is MY education and I shouldn't settle for being force fed information and taking short cuts. Although the short cuts are easier and everyone vecke011 years 1 month ago
QuoteThis course changed how I speak up and speak out about what I'm being taught. I have realized that this really is MY education and I shouldn't settle for being force fed information and taking short cuts. Although the short cuts are easier and everyone lo vecke011 years 1 month ago
