Curiosity - A Culture of Asking Questions

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015 - 2:10pm

Dear Colleagues, Friends, & Supporters,

In our May blog we are thinking about the cycle of curiosity and inquiry. How important is it for students to be curious? How do we know? And what do psychologists say about curiosity?

This April we received many workshop requests through AMATYC from community colleges across the country. We are really excited to continue working on meaningfully integrating inquiry into the community college curriculum.

We will be at the PREP workshop in San Louis Obispo in July, please consider registering for this IBL workshop (focussing on preparing college level IBL courses). There are a few spots left...

In case you have missed it: our website now allows faculty to create a free account and access teacher materials to some of our books. We are working on completing the teacher materials for all the books. Please have a look and tell us what you think.


Julian Fleron, Phil Hotchkiss, Volker Ecke, & Christine von Renesse.

multivariable calculus group discussing integration

In my perfect world students would be self-motivated, want to learn, collaborate with other students, ask lots of questions, pursue mathematics outside of class requirements, etc. What then is needed to make this happen? I believe this independent learning I am looking for relies on student curiosity.