Past News & Announcements

We are posting news, announcements, and status reports as our project progresses. Please feel free to contact us if there is information that you would like that you cannot find here or elsewhere on our site.

Our Faculty Workshops

Posted on: 
Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 1:30pm

This month we spent a wonderful week in Santa Barbara, CA, offering several workshops at Westmont College. We are thinking a lot about which activities are the most effective for practicing IBL during a one or two-day workshop. See our new blog post for more details on our workshops.

We have openings for 2 more workshops next year (one in Fall 14 and one in Spring 15) so please email us if you are interested. We are traveling to you and the workshops are fully sponsored by the NSF.

First Day of Class: Setting the stage and good activities

Posted on: 
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 1:40pm

This semester we are co-teaching some of our MLA courses to learn and think more about differences and similarities in our teaching styles. One aspect we discussed is how we each start our first class. Our new blog posts on setting the stage and good activities will give you an overview of our ideas, including videos from our classes last semester.

Why we use Inquiry with Liberal Arts Students

Posted on: 
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 - 1:45pm

As we were talking with visitors at the Baltimore Joint Mathematics Meetings about why we are using inquiry-based learning, especially with liberal arts students, we realized that we needed to put it in writing. To explain why, we wrote a blog post, including a classroom video and beautiful examples of original student work (a painting, poem, song, and quote).

DAoM Booth Gets Great Reception at Joint Mathematics Meetings

Posted on: 
Monday, January 27, 2014 - 8:00am

We are excited to report that our Discovering the Art of Mathematics booth at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (meetings attended by almost 6,500 in Baltimore, MD from 15 - 18 January) met with enormous success!!

Great many thanks to all of you who visited! The outpouring of support, encouragement and gratitude we received was tremendous.

For those who were not at JMM, here's how it went…
